letter from the elders

Dear Willingdon Church Family,
This past year, we've witnessed God's hand at work in extraordinary ways. At times we have to simply acknowledge we aren't smart enough to figure this stuff out—but when we trust Him, He leads us. Just a few examples: our ESL ministry has grown significantly, bringing hundreds of non-believers into our church on a weekly basis to hear the gospel. Many newcomers continue to walk through our doors at both campuses, learning about Jesus. Additionally, our partnership with Blue Mountain Baptist has launched the Austin Heights campus, which is growing rapidly. It's a joy and privilege to be part of God's plan, and we are so grateful for His work among us.
As elders, we are called to serve and protect the church, as Scripture reminds us in 1 Timothy 3. We strive to exemplify Christ's character—being above reproach, self-controlled, hospitable, and gentle. These qualities keep us humble and accountable, and we deeply appreciate your trust in our leadership. Our elder board consists of 14 members—12 lay elders and two pastor elders—who are dedicated to shepherding the church, the beautiful bride of Christ. While many elders have faithfully served Willingdon for years, we're intentionally growing younger to ensure diversity and continuity in leadership. Currently, six younger candidates are completing an elder training process, which includes attending meetings, participating in learning sessions, and being mentored by experienced elders. We're excited to see these candidates' enthusiasm to serve, and several will be recommended for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our long-term plan is to expand the board to 20–25 elders.
The elders oversee both the Willingdon and Austin Heights campuses. This includes reviewing and approving the annual budget, a collaborative process that accounts for the needs of both campuses. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we've been able to meet facility and staffing needs while advancing church vision initiatives. Despite challenging economic times, the generosity of our church family has been remarkable. Thank you for your faithful support. In June 2024, we hosted a "Meet the Elders" evening, combined with our AGM. The event was well attended and provided an opportunity for members to learn more about the elder leadership model, decision-making processes, and ways to offer input. Feedback was positive, and as a result, we plan to improve communication by providing quarterly updates on elder activities starting in 2025.
As our church grows, we see many opportunities for new lay leaders, both men and women. This includes expanding women's ministry, launching new initiatives at Austin Heights, and forming deacon committees for key projects. We encourage you to consider serving in these vital roles. This year, the elders approved several initiatives aligned with our vision, including:
Partnering with Blue Mountain Baptist to launch the Austin Heights campus.
Maintaining support for parachurch partners to advance missions and develop future church leaders.
Approving support for leadership development for staff and members through various parachurch organizations
Hiring Nicole Yang as Connect Pastor to oversee newcomer integration.
Approving the renovation budget for Austin Heights (2024–2025) and appointing a project team led by George Folz.
Hiring Brian Manucduc as Pastor of Youth and Worship and Lindi Palk as Ministry Coordinator for Austin Heights.
Hiring Brett Landry as Austin Heights Campus Pastor.
Exploring alternative uses for the church-owned house east of the parking lot.
The elders remain open to your input, recognizing that our role is to serve the body of Christ. Whether in person or via email at elders@willingdon.org, we value your feedback and insights, which help shape the direction of our church community.
We humbly ask for your continued prayers for unity among our church leadership and congregation. Together, we aim to bring a message of hope to a broken world. Serving Willingdon Church is a privilege and a joy, and we are deeply grateful for your support.
In Christ's love and service,
Ed Thiessen
Moderator, Elders
This past year, we've witnessed God's hand at work in extraordinary ways. At times we have to simply acknowledge we aren't smart enough to figure this stuff out—but when we trust Him, He leads us. Just a few examples: our ESL ministry has grown significantly, bringing hundreds of non-believers into our church on a weekly basis to hear the gospel. Many newcomers continue to walk through our doors at both campuses, learning about Jesus. Additionally, our partnership with Blue Mountain Baptist has launched the Austin Heights campus, which is growing rapidly. It's a joy and privilege to be part of God's plan, and we are so grateful for His work among us.
As elders, we are called to serve and protect the church, as Scripture reminds us in 1 Timothy 3. We strive to exemplify Christ's character—being above reproach, self-controlled, hospitable, and gentle. These qualities keep us humble and accountable, and we deeply appreciate your trust in our leadership. Our elder board consists of 14 members—12 lay elders and two pastor elders—who are dedicated to shepherding the church, the beautiful bride of Christ. While many elders have faithfully served Willingdon for years, we're intentionally growing younger to ensure diversity and continuity in leadership. Currently, six younger candidates are completing an elder training process, which includes attending meetings, participating in learning sessions, and being mentored by experienced elders. We're excited to see these candidates' enthusiasm to serve, and several will be recommended for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our long-term plan is to expand the board to 20–25 elders.
The elders oversee both the Willingdon and Austin Heights campuses. This includes reviewing and approving the annual budget, a collaborative process that accounts for the needs of both campuses. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we've been able to meet facility and staffing needs while advancing church vision initiatives. Despite challenging economic times, the generosity of our church family has been remarkable. Thank you for your faithful support. In June 2024, we hosted a "Meet the Elders" evening, combined with our AGM. The event was well attended and provided an opportunity for members to learn more about the elder leadership model, decision-making processes, and ways to offer input. Feedback was positive, and as a result, we plan to improve communication by providing quarterly updates on elder activities starting in 2025.
As our church grows, we see many opportunities for new lay leaders, both men and women. This includes expanding women's ministry, launching new initiatives at Austin Heights, and forming deacon committees for key projects. We encourage you to consider serving in these vital roles. This year, the elders approved several initiatives aligned with our vision, including:
The elders remain open to your input, recognizing that our role is to serve the body of Christ. Whether in person or via email at elders@willingdon.org, we value your feedback and insights, which help shape the direction of our church community.
We humbly ask for your continued prayers for unity among our church leadership and congregation. Together, we aim to bring a message of hope to a broken world. Serving Willingdon Church is a privilege and a joy, and we are deeply grateful for your support.
In Christ's love and service,
Ed Thiessen
Moderator, Elders