Celebrating What God Has Done in 2024
As we reflect on the past year, our hearts are filled with gratitude, and we give God all the glory! We pray you will be encouraged by this annual report, as 2024 has been a year of growth, transformation and continued dedication to fulfilling the mission God has done through His people at Willingdon and Austin Heights.

Dear Willingdon Church Family,

This past year, we've witnessed God's hand at work in extraordinary ways. At times we have to simply acknowledge we aren't smart enough to figure this stuff out—but when we trust Him, He leads us. Just a few examples: our ESL ministry has grown significantly, bringing hundreds of non-believers into our church on a weekly basis to hear the gospel. Many newcomers continue to walk through our doors at both campuses, learning about Jesus. Additionally, our partnership with Blue Mountain Baptist has launched the Austin Heights campus, which is growing rapidly. It's a joy and privilege to be part of God's plan, and we are so grateful for His work among us.

As elders, we are called to serve and protect the church, as Scripture reminds us in 1 Timothy 3. We strive to exemplify Christ's character—being above reproach, self-controlled, hospitable, and gentle. These qualities keep us humble and accountable, and we deeply appreciate your trust in our leadership. Our elder board consists of 14 members—12 lay elders and two pastor elders—who are dedicated to shepherding the church, the beautiful bride of Christ. While many elders have faithfully served Willingdon for years, we're intentionally growing younger to ensure diversity and continuity in leadership. Currently, six younger candidates are completing an elder training process, which includes attending meetings, participating in learning sessions, and being mentored by experienced elders. We're excited to see these candidates' enthusiasm to serve, and several will be recommended for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our long-term plan is to expand the board to 20–25 elders.

The elders oversee both the Willingdon and Austin Heights campuses. This includes reviewing and approving the annual budget, a collaborative process that accounts for the needs of both campuses. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we've been able to meet facility and staffing needs while advancing church vision initiatives. Despite challenging economic times, the generosity of our church family has been remarkable. Thank you for your faithful support. In June 2024, we hosted a "Meet the Elders" evening, combined with our AGM. The event was well attended and provided an opportunity for members to learn more about the elder leadership model, decision-making processes, and ways to offer input. Feedback was positive, and as a result, we plan to improve communication by providing quarterly updates on elder activities starting in 2025.

As our church grows, we see many opportunities for new lay leaders, both men and women. This includes expanding women's ministry, launching new initiatives at Austin Heights, and forming deacon committees for key projects. We encourage you to consider serving in these vital roles. This year, the elders approved several initiatives aligned with our vision, including:
  • Partnering with Blue Mountain Baptist to launch the Austin Heights campus.
  • Maintaining support for parachurch partners to advance missions and develop future church leaders.
  • Approving support for leadership development for staff and members through various parachurch organizations
  • Hiring Nicole Yang as Connect Pastor to oversee newcomer integration.
  • Approving the renovation budget for Austin Heights (2024–2025) and appointing a project team led by George Folz.
  • Hiring Brian Manucduc as Pastor of Youth and Worship and Lindi Palk as Ministry Coordinator for Austin Heights.
  • Hiring Brett Landry as Austin Heights Campus Pastor.
  • Exploring alternative uses for the church-owned house east of the parking lot.

  • The elders remain open to your input, recognizing that our role is to serve the body of Christ. Whether in person or via email at elders@willingdon.org, we value your feedback and insights, which help shape the direction of our church community.

    We humbly ask for your continued prayers for unity among our church leadership and congregation. Together, we aim to bring a message of hope to a broken world. Serving Willingdon Church is a privilege and a joy, and we are deeply grateful for your support.

    In Christ's love and service,
    Ed Thiessen
    Moderator, Elders

    As I write this report, I am grateful for God's faithful leading over the past four years. In prolonged fashion, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted Willingdon Church family life. In July 2021, when we were about to reopen for in-person services, the Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 37:30-32 and this was tested with elders and team leaders.

    This passage has provided orientation for the years to come. 30 "And this shall be the sign for you: this year you shall eat what grows of itself, and in the second year what springs from that. Then in the third year, sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. 31 And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward. 32 For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this."

    From these verses, we understood that, in the first two years (July 2021-July 2023), our task would be to care for what was growing naturally. And, indeed, for two years we watched all ministries grow. Not only did Willingdon members and attendees return to in-person gatherings, but we also saw newcomers joining us in significant numbers. Our challenge was to proclaim the good news of Jesus, accompany the growth, raise up new workers (both staff and volunteer), and form new communities of belonging.

    Before the pandemic, the Lord spoke to our leadership team through Romans 15 regarding the vision and mission of our church family. We are called to welcome those who come, as Christ has welcomed us (Romans 15:7). We are called to join Jesus in his ultimate purpose; that is, to see all nations, languages, and people groups give glory to God in unity (Romans 15:1-13; Revelation 7:9-10). We welcome the new immigrant and the refugee.

    With this calling and growth in mind, our elders and staff have engaged in productive conversations around evangelism (about one third of our newcomers are not yet Christian), discipleship, and communities of belonging. As we track weekend attendance, and compare 2024 with 2023, we observe an average of 300 more people in our worship services (11% growth). Accompanying the growth is a challenge for all of us to embrace. Newcomers want to grow in their relationship with Jesus. They are also looking for relationship with others who are on the same pathway.

    Of course, God is at work beyond our Willingdon campus. Isaiah 37:30 also indicates that new vineyards will be planted. Beginning in May of 2023, our preaching pastors began to provide pulpit supply to a church seeking revitalization. The relationship between leadership teams grew. In God's timing, the Austin Heights congregation voted unanimously to become a Willingdon Church campus. This past fall, God raised up Pr. Brett Landry to be the campus pastor. Attendance at the Austin Heights campus has doubled to 300 people plus children this past fall. The campus will go to two services as of February 2.

    With the growth at the two campuses, Willingdon and Austin Heights, what is God calling us to? Isaiah 37:31 speaks of taking root downward and bearing fruit upward. If we are going to continue bear fruit, in unity, for the glory of God, we must go deeper with God. We must follow Jesus, our Chief Shepherd, grow together, and multiply disciples. For this reason, in 2025, our two campuses will be focused on discipleship and leadership training. We will invite all members and attendees to join this journey of being "A Family on Mission with Jesus: Everyone, Everyday, Everywhere."

    May God continue to sustain, guide, and empower us. As I have shared on multiple occasions, we believe that Willingdon is called to be like the church of Antioch. The Antiochene church was grounded in the Word of God, full of the Holy Spirit, united in love, evangelistic, and missionary (Acts 11, 13). It sent its members to the nations. Isaiah 37:32 speaks of a remnant going out from Jerusalem. We believe that the Lord of the harvest is raising up workers, at Willingdon and Austin Heights, for his harvest in Metro Vancouver and beyond.

    At a prayer summit in November of last year, we prayed, "What's next, papa?" That's a prayer of expectation. Our collective desire is to be prayerfully attentive to the Lord's leading. We take comfort and courage in knowing the Lord is at work. He is sovereignly accomplishing his purposes. Isaiah 37:32 ends with, "The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this." May His kingdom come, may His will be done, for His glory alone.

    Ray Harms-Wiebe
    Lead Pastor

    As we reflect on the past year, it is with hearts full of gratitude that we share this annual report with you. We are grateful to the Lord for His provision, protection and direction in 2024. This year had a constant buzz of excitement in every ministry, and conversations were not about what ‘we could not do' but what ‘we could do' with the Lord's blessings and guidance; all things are possible with God!

    Matthew 19:26 "But Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    2024 was a year of moving forward, and all ministry areas embraced God's direction to fulfill the mission of Willingdon Church: "To know Jesus Christ personally and carry on His ministry." These words are written on the walls of our church and embedded in the hearts of the people who serve and call Willingdon their home.

    Together with our new campus, Austin Heights, we experienced steady growth, with many seekers desiring to know Jesus and believers wanting to commit their lives and strengthen their walk with Jesus. We are encouraged by how God brings many newcomers from all over the world to Willingdon. This year, 1284 first-time visitors came and acknowledged their presence by visiting the welcome center, a ministry and/or visiting us online. The Connect Ministries integrated hundreds of people into our church ministries, and we praise God for the opportunities to welcome many and share the gospel.

    We are grateful for God's provision and thank you for your generous giving, which supports our ministries and partners, both locally and globally. With the addition of 600 new first-time givers (a 25% increase from the previous year) and the ongoing support from members and attendees, contributions totalled $6,647,396, 2.9% above last year at Willingdon. Austin Heights contributed an additional $205,315, for a united total of $6,852,711. A special thank you to our Finance Committee, led by Ray Fast. This committed group of volunteers serve faithfully to provide guidance, advice, and oversight in the stewardship of our financial resources.

    One of our greatest blessings is the commitment of our volunteers. Through their passion and love for God's work, our volunteers and lay leaders led the charge to keep up with the demands of our growing ministries, and we have been able to carry on the ministries at Willingdon and Austin Heights in our communities and around the world. In 2024, God called over 1200 people to use their gifts to serve Him in over 1600 different volunteer positions. We are thankful for our volunteers, and together, we have experienced the blessing of serving our great God alongside brothers and sisters in Christ as we grow deeper in our walk with Jesus.

    We are very grateful for our staff, their dedication to this community, their heart to reach the lost, disciple others and their passion to serve Him and His people. We welcomed seven new members to our staff team through God's provision! With the opening of our new campus, Austin Heights, Brett Landry (Campus Pastor), Brian Manucduc (Worship and Youth Pastor), and Lindi Palk (Ministry Coordinator) were added to our team. Our Worship Arts Team added two new members: Vilmar Oliveria (Tech Director) and Alex Ramos (Tech Associate). Gloria Sun (Finance Assistant) joined our Finance team, and our General Pastoral Internship was relaunched with the addition of Ben Un (Pastoral Intern). Time and time again, we experienced God's sovereign hand, filling positions with gifted people He called to join our staff family.

    2024 was an exciting year for our staff as six moved to new positions, covering more areas of responsibility and answering God's call to continue serving Him faithfully at Willingdon, as affirmed by the elders. It is incredibly inspiring to experience the ministry career growth of our staff family team.
  • Pastor Jono Caramay has used his God-given gifts and passion to serve in Children's ministry for over 15 years and as the Team Leader of Children's Ministry for the past 6 years. Jono's position will be expanded to be the Team Leader for Family Ministries, including oversight of Children and Student Ministries.
  • Pastor Mark Janzen (our Junior High School Pastor) will lead both Senior High School and Junior High School. Pastor Mark has been a pastor at Willingdon for over 25 years and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Student Ministries.
  • Nicole Yang served 3 years as a specialty pastoral intern while completing her Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership. We were excited God called Nicole to pastoral ministry. This year, the elders affirmed her as our Connect Pastor, focusing on newcomer integration.
  • Pastor Isaac Lee has faithfully served in various ministries for 10 years. He transferred into the Care Ministry, where he will care for and serve couples in Marriage Ministries and men in Men's Ministries.
  • Pastor Brody began as a pastoral intern for 2 years and then served as a Pastor in Student Ministries for over 6 years. He now serves with Willingdon School of the Bible while pursuing his Masters of Divinity.
  • Nathaniel Wong has served part-time on our Student Ministries Team as Worship Coordinator for over 6 years; 2 years ago, he began also serving part-time in Communications, overseeing our Social Media accounts, and this year, he moved into a full-time role as our Communications Coordinator.

  • This coming year, by God's grace, we will experience more growth and development in our ministry staff as nine are pursuing higher education while working in ministry, and we will be adding three more pastoral interns to our team in 2025. We praise the Lord for the next generation of leaders dedicating their lives to faithfully serve Him!

    As we reflect on the past year, our hearts are full of gratitude, and we give God all the glory! We pray you will be encouraged by this annual report, as 2024 has been a year of growth, transformation and continued dedication to fulfilling the mission God has done through His people at Willingdon and Austin Heights. We are excited to experience another year of God's sovereign hand, love, grace and faithfulness, trusting Him to do amazing things in the years to come!

    To our church family, on behalf of the pastors and staff, we thank you for your ongoing support, dedicated partnership, encouragement and prayers. It is a blessing and privilege to serve alongside you as we continue to serve Him as the body of Christ with excitement and anticipation of what He will do in 2025!

    To God, we give the glory for His amazing grace, provision, care and love!

    Penny Fuchihara
    Executive Director

    Meet our Amazing 2024 Staff Family Team!

    In 2024, we continued to build our team and praise the Lord for calling and bringing brothers and sisters in Christ uniquely gifted to serve Him at Willingdon Church. Our talented, diverse inter-generational and intercultural team is an amazing group of individuals who love God and serve Him faithfully using the gifts He has given them.

    Alex Ramos, Angus Sheung, Anthony Law, Aura Martinez; Ben Un; Brett Landry, Brian Manucduc, Brody Loewen, Bryan Born; Candy Gan, Caris Ip, Cesar Beltran, CJ Limvalencia, Cynthia Asirit, David Yang, Don Macleod, Elisangela Molinari, Ellen Wong, Emily Lien, Eric Cheng, Gilbert Nigh, Gloria Sun, Ingrid Hopkinson, Isaac Lee, James Buss, Jerry Skaggs, John Best, Jonathan Hsieh, Jono Caramay, Joyce Lukas, Karen Chan, Lauren Opelka, Len Soet, Levi Hopkinson, Linda Yang, Lindi Palk, Lisa Shen, Lydia Wang, Maria Padilla, Mark Janzen, Marko Delac, Marlyn Zidkovich, Max Jeet, Naiara Rodrigues, Nathaniel Wong, Nick Etches, Nicole Yang, Nigel Li, Pedro Ramos, Penny Fuchihara, Pia Flores; Priscilla Wanjiru, Ray Harms-Wiebe, Richard Young, Roby Pamintuan, Ruben Heyn, Rufina Huang, Samantha Alexander, Sherie Etches, Silas Lui, Sophia Tam, Tomoko Kashima, Tony Rasmawi, Vane Nguyen, Vilmar Oliveria, Vinh Doan, Walter Patterson, William Zhang, Yvelyn Tang

    After serving at Willingdon for five years, Pastor Cynthia and her husband Danny Asirit, answered the call from God to become missionaries in the Phillipines. Cynthia will focus on Biblical counselling, life skill training and soul care for young people and parents. Danny and Cynthia will teach and lead various discipleship courses to make disciples so they can share the Gospel and carry on the ministry of Christ.


    We praise God for His provision and are grateful to our congregation for your faithful giving. The Fiscal Year of 2024 was a remarkable year of generous and faithful giving. With the addition of 600 new first-time givers (a 25% increase from the previous year) and the ongoing support from members and attendees, contributions totalled $6,647,396.00 - 2.9% above last year at Willingdon Church. An additional $205,315.00 was contributed from Austin Heights for a total of $6,852,711.00. In 2024, we surpassed our budget objective of $6,450, 000.00, while our ministry teams maintained cost management to ensure expenses would be in alignment with income. It is with gratitude to our great God and our congregation for their faithful giving, that we report we ended the year in the black with all of our expenses met.

    Download 2024-2025 Finance/Budget Summary

    $2,755 average annual donation
    2,674 general fund giving units (givers)
    600 new givers


    budget for 2025

    This is a unified budget for Willingdon $6,800,000 and Austin Heights $400,000

    3,843,000 (53.4%)
    Pastoral Ministries
    112,000 (1.5%)
    capital expenditures
    3,245,000 (45.1%)
    admin & ops facilities
    in addition, the
    benevolent fund
    is budgeted at 210,000

    Dollars Expended for Outreach in 2024

    $1,101,985 (Global, Local & Partners)
    (15% of general and benevolent fund donations)

    271,725 Missionary & Organization Support
    150,000 BCMB Conference
    146,000Journey Home Community
    118,519Short Term Missions
    93,273Special Project Missions Banquet
    60,000MB Seminary
    48,297Benevolent General Fund
    30,000Columbia Bible College
    25,000Brazil Pastoral Training
    24,000MB Missions Ukraine
    18,079MBS Ministry Foundations
    18,019Mission Circle
    16,680School of the Bible
    16,077Mission Mobilization Internal
    10,857Community Outreach General
    9,000Child of Mine
    7,000Strategic Partnership North Korea
    6,600Short Term Mission Bursaries
    5,000Christian Advocacy Society
    5,000Project Migrant's Hope
    5,000Special Project Lithuania
    5,000Special Project Malawi
    5,000Special Project Thailand
    3,000Special Project North Thailand
    2,854Special Project Ukraine
    2,000Missions Fest

    Weekly Attendance 2024

    Willingdon 4273
    Adults 2792
    Students 195
    Kids 351
    Online 935
    Austin Heights 276
    Adults 241
    Students 16
    Kids 19

    1957 Members
    3120 Attendees
    Austin Heights
    73 Members
    73 Attendees

    43% Male
    57% Female
    37% Single
    63% Married

    Where do we live

    rounded to nearest %

    Burnaby  49%
    Vancouver  17%
    Surrey   7%
    Coq + PC + PM   11%
    New West   6%
    Richmond   3%
    Northshore   3%
    Other   3%

    New Members Joined by
    Baptism &
    Confession of Faith in 2024



    First Impressions Ministries

    We praise God for the 1284 first-time visitors He brought to Willingdon Church in 2024. We are grateful for our First Impressions ministries who welcomed these visitors on the frontline in the following ministries.

    Parking, Greeters, Ushers, Here to Help, Resource Center, Welcome Center, First Aid Attendants, Ministry Support Team, Sanctuary Care

    1284 first time visitors

    Welcome Centre        879
    Online   232
    Other   173

    Connect Ministries

    The Connect Ministries integrates newcomers into Church ministries and we praise God for the opportunity to connect them to communities of belonging, to share the gospel, and to encourage their walk with Jesus.

    285 Cafe Connect Table
    27% are seekers
    355 attended Connected events
    53 attended "Connect and Explore" - Pre-Discovery Class

    Thank You Volunteers

    Over this year, God continues to build his church by calling people to serve in many different areas of ministry and we are so grateful to you for using your God-given gifts to serve His people and Kingdom. Many of you have served every week and we thank you for your commitment and are so encouraged by your passion to be a "Family on Mission with Jesus: Everyone, Every Day and Everywhere"!





    ADULT MIN - 261
    CARE & PRAYER - 115
    DISCOVERY - 62
    EVFS - 89
    FIM - 218
    KIDS MIN - 164
    ILM - 315
    STUDENTS - 28
    WAM - 286
    OTHERS - 71

    Admin & Ops Highlights

    • First Impressions - Connecting people!
    • Finance Ministry - More than Money!
    • Events and Café Ministry - Serving Jesus!
    • Building Maintenance - Caring for God's House!
    • Social Media - Showcasing What Goes On at Willingdon
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Executive Director Penny Fuchihara

    2024 was filled with many memorable moments of experiencing God's amazing grace. As I reflect on the year, I have found it incredibly inspirational to serve alongside and watch a new generation of ministry leaders grow deeper in their love for Jesus and become more passionate about the work God has called them to do! Six of our staff moved to new positions within Willingdon with higher levels of responsibility, and nine are pursuing further education while continuing to serve in ministry. Our Team Leader table is filled with passionate leaders who have been uniquely gifted to lead the ministries, and our management support team uses their God-given gifts to serve Him and the ministries for His Glory. It's a beautiful moment when we all come together as a staff "Family on Mission with Jesus: Everyone, Everyday and Everywhere!"

    Prayer Request

    Please pray for continued unity as God builds His team at Willingdon and Austin Heights. Pray that He will go before us and that we will have a humble heart to follow Him wherever He calls us. Pray that He will raise more volunteers and servant leaders to build up His bride, reach the lost, disciple others, and build communities of belonging while glorifying God every step along the way!

    Global Ministries, Local Outreach, Mission Circle, Food Pantry

    Willingdon Church Outreach Ministries is focused on serving our city and the world, being ambassadors of Jesus through our actions and words.

    people from 6 countries lived in the Willingdon House in 2024
    Operation Christmas Child boxes collected from Willingdon Church family
    STM teams sent (Thailand, Brazil, France, Germany, Cuba)
    In February 2024 15 dolls, 76 aprons, 131 pillowcase dresses and 15 quilts were sent with the short term mission team to Thailand.
    Over 500 people served through our Food Pantry

    Global Ministry & Local Outreach Highlights

    • The Asirit's - New Missionaries
    • Iran Dessert Event
    • New Podcast
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor John Best

    One of the deep privileges I had this year was for my family to be a part of Willingdon's short-term mission team to France. We joined a bigger crew of 300 people from 89 nations who God had invited to reach out to the people in Paris during the Summer Olympics. Each morning all 300 of us gathered for worship, prayer, and training. And then each afternoon and evening we hit the streets of Paris, ready to share the good news of Jesus and pray for people's needs. It stretched our faith, but time and time again, it was evident that God was preparing the way and that His Spirit was at work. Each person on our Willingdon team got to see God work through us. And through the ministry of the 300 of us, we were able to see 255 people pray to receive Jesus and 101 people receive healing. To God be the glory!

    Prayer Request

    Willingdon Church aims to be a Family On Mission With Jesus: Everyone, Every Day, Everywhere. Please pray that God will shape each one of us, empower each one of us, and then give specific mission invitations to each one of us, so that as we live out our mission, the world will encounter Jesus afresh.

    International Language Ministry Groups, ESL
    God keeps bringing people from around the world to Willingdon Church. International Language Ministries exists to provide community, evangelism, care and discipleship to people in a language they can understand more easily than English.

    Language groups that meet regularly
    people attended International Festival festivities
    translation headsets given out, in addition to people who used the translation app
    Connect Cards (out of 873 total) requested connection with ILM groups
    Over 300 ESL students per semester, with 38 volunteer teachers and 27 classes

    Ministry Highlight

    • Christmas events
    • Leadership Seminary Program
    • ESL
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor John Best

    One of my favorite moments of 2024 was attending a private baptism service we had for 10 Muslim-background people who have come to faith in Jesus through the ministry of Willingdon Church. These people come from Iran and Afghanistan, contexts where to become a Christian is to put one's life at risk. It was encouraging to hear each testimony. The tone of the celebration can be summed up with the words that several of them shared in their testimonies: "thank you for coming to witness the very best day of my life."

    Prayer Request

    Please pray that God will continue to equip our church family to be welcoming, helpful and eager to tell people about Jesus. People are coming to our church from all over the world, so the Lord is giving us a special opportunity to reach across the boundaries of language and culture to experience worshipping Jesus together. Pray that we will steward this opportunity well.

    Worship Band and Frontline, Choir, Orchestra, Tech Team, Production Teams: Drama, Dance, Song, Costume, Makeup, Stage, Props and more

    Willingdon Church Worship Arts Ministries is focused on creating cultures and cultivating artists that glorify God—everyday and everywhere.

    Volunteers faithfully served
    We welcomed 44 new volunteers to WAM
    attendees to 5 sold out shows for Christmas
    The arts raised over $11,000 for House of Omeed and the Benevolent Fund with The Joseph Painting Auctions

    Worship Ministry Highlights

    • Discipling & Training Workshops
    • Stage Design Initiative
    • New Multi-campus strategy
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Jerry Skaggs

    So the WAM Team dreamed and delivered big in 2024: From weekly joy-filled worship services, and through the powerful Easter and Christmas seasons. We expanded our creative output through sermon series stage designs, new team trainings and new tech staff.

    When the possibility of doing "A Christmas Carol" a second year was proposed, the Staff Team embraced the opportunity to do it bigger and better, and all with a bolder message of the Gospel. Even though it was a repeat, there was still a lot of work to do, maybe even more. We began to pray. We were challenged again to step out and do something that we knew God wanted to use in our church and community. And He did! The cast, the crew, the props, the costumes, the set, the music, the orchestra, the tech... Every detail came together. I am so proud of our WAM Team for stepping out in creative faith to do things bigger than we thought possible. God call us to that so that God gets ALL the glory. With Him all things are possible!

    Prayer Request

    Pray for God's favor and divine inspiration as we dare to dream more for in the creative arts at Willingdon: to develop additional opportunities to engage new and current volunteers in drama, production, storytelling/reading, dance, fine arts, cinema, photography, writing, scenic design and construction, etc for worship services, series and special events.

    Nursery, Preschool, Clubhouse, HQ, Imagine, Ignite Girls Club, Scouts, PlaySpace, Moms Connect

    Our goal at WillingdonKids is for kids and families to KNOW Jesus as their Saviour, GROW daily in His Word,
    and GO into the world, living out His mission and sharing His love with others.

    Average Sunday Attendance, Nursery-Grade 5
    Increase in average weekday program attendance (PlaySpace, Moms Connect, Ignite, Scouts)
    attendees to October Carnival: "Under the Big Top"
    Over 500 attendees to Summer Daycamp Programs
    Kids Ministry Volunteers, 80 of which are parents of kids or students in student ministry - that's just over 50%!

    Kids Ministry Highlights

    • Spring Break Daycamp
    • Year-End Picnic
    • Imagine Ministry
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Jono Caramay

    It has always been my joy to observe how kids learn about God and grow in their faith. We endeavour to make lessons, activities, and environments engaging, but it is only by the Holy Spirit that hearts are softened and lives ultimately changed. So it's particularly humbling and encouraging when kids earnestly ask questions about God, or His Word, and eagerly explore what it means for their lives; it's easy to see why Jesus said the Kingdom belongs to such as these. This next season, I hope and pray to bear witness to more stories and testimonies; in addition to leading the Kids Ministries team, I'll be providing leadership to the Student Ministries team and collaborating with the two departments as a Family Ministry. We're all excited to see what God is leading us to in the coming year!

    Prayer Request

    Pray for God's provision as we seek to fill the role of Pastor/Director of HQ. Pray for encouragement and steadfastness for the kids ministry staff and volunteers as they teach and lead the children. Pray for kids and families to intentionally put God first in their lives, and learn what it means to truly know Him, grow in His word, and go forth to share His love with others.

    Junior High Ministry, Senior High Ministry

    Willingdon Students exists to help students in grades 6-12 connect, grow, and have fun as they learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

    Students attended Summer Daycamp Programs
    students were baptized last year
    Served and participated in 6 local Burnaby public school events 
    Students served at WillingdonKids Daycamp
    Students served on the Student Ministry worship teams

    Student Ministry Highlights

    • Junior High Student Leadership and Ministry (SLAM) team
    • Student Ministry Worship
    • Service and Ministry
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Jono Caramay

    I took on this role in the summertime, and only just begun to delve into the world of teenagers. But time and time again, as I ran into some familiar faces of students whom I had taught in Kids Ministry, I saw a vivid picture of God's faithfulness and grace in the lives of these students and their families. Whether it's seeing them make their declarations of faith for themselves through baptism, or hearing their earnest and raw questions and wrestlings with their faith, it is clear that he indeed began a good work in the lives of these individuals. It is with joy, excitement, and humility that I look forward to see how He brings it to completion in this season and the ones to come.

    Prayer Request

    Pray for God's provision as we seek to fill the role of Student Ministries Worship Director. Pray for continued overall direction and encouragement as we lead and serve our students Pray for a fervent hunger in the hearts and minds of the students - that they would desire God and His ways

    This year, I have the immense joy and privilege of leading both the Kids and Student Ministry teams under the Family Ministries banner. Our goal is to see kids, students, and their families living out our calling to be "a family on mission, together with Jesus" in both word and deed. Whether it's practical tips and tools to help encourage you as you disciple your children or family fun events that help build community and connect with other families… we desire to come along side as you and your family seek to know Jesus personally and carry on His ministry.

    A few things to look forward to this year:
  • Parent Connect evenings - Monthly Wednesday dinner at the Café - Meet with other parents, share in the joys and struggles of whatever age/stage you're in; hear encouragements from seasoned parents who have walked that journey before.
  • Family Connect evening - Enjoy dinner together as a family with other families before Prayer Summits
  • Continued intentionality at Kids and Student Ministries to equip and empower you with tools to help you disciple your children
  • Special Events like the June Year-End Picnic at Wesburn, for hanging out and building community

  • Life Groups, Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, Unite (College & Career)
    Willingdon Church Adult Ministries is focused on Making Disciples who are devoted and mature in their walk with Jesus because of the Great Commission.

    Unite (College & Career) Attendance
    Men's Ministry Attendance
    Life Groups
    Men's Refuel Conference
    Awaken Women's Retreat

    Adult Ministries Highlights

    • UNITE Event
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Vinh Doan

    We had the opportunity to host our Evangelism Seminar where we invited guest speaker Jason Persaud from Alpha Canada. Over the two days, we spent time thinking about evangelism and how it plays a significant part in church life. A major highlight was how we concluded the Evangelism Seminar - we spent significant time in prayer for our Willingdon, our loved ones, and for the world to know Jesus. We are deeply thankful that the Holy Spirit is still moving within the people who make up Willingdon Church to deepen their love for God and each other through service.

    Prayer Request

    For our Adult Ministry Team to find other ways to serve our growing Church family. That our posture will be like that of our Lord who humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

    The Theological Education program at Willingdon Church encompasses three primary areas: Willingdon School of the Bible & Ministry, the Pastoral Internship program, and the MA in Transformational Leadership program (offered in partnership with MB Seminary). Considerable ministry has taken place in all three areas during a year of both rebuilding and re-visioning.

    Willingdon School of the Bible & Ministry (WSBM)

    Throughout the year, we had strong engagement in WSBM courses, with many students highlighting the transformational nature of the courses. Each semester we were able to offer a number of courses focussing on biblical and theological studies, with courses dealing with discipleship (financial wisdom) and ministry themes (mission and care) as well. In addition, WSBM also hosted two outstanding public lectures: Financial Wisdom (Dr. Rick Goossen) and Courage to Care in the Context of MAiD (Dr. Margaret Cottle). Both had well over 300 attendees. One highlight of the year was the summer WSBM course on prayer taught by Dr. Bruce Hindmarsh. One person wrote: "It was a joy and a blessing to be able to attend the Three Ways to Pray course – the professor was so passionate about what he taught, and his passion captured all of us as well." Throughout the year, we had well over 300 people in WSBM courses experiencing God's equipping work through His Word and Spirit.

    Pastoral Internship Program

    This past year was an opportunity to re-establish the General Pastoral Internship program. Ben Un officially began his internship in August with the Student Ministries team (although he had already been on staff at the beginning of summer). Since we were restarting the internship program in 2024, we were able to host some unconventional internships. The Daniel and Lina Warkentin family from Germany spent 3.5 months learning all they could about leading and serving in multi-cultural church context. And then in September, Raymond Leung (Willingdon member) began serving a voluntary internship with the Cantonese ILM. All of these interns have been a great blessing to the church, and we look forward to serving together with a number of new interns in 2025.

    MA in Transformational Leadership Program

    This graduate level theological studies program was launched in 2020 with approximately 10 Willingdon leaders participating (most serving in ILM leadership positions). In 2024, a group of the original students completed their studies and they will celebrate their graduation in June 2025. Roman Bondartchouk, leader of the Russian Language Ministry, emphasizes the practical nature of his studies: "The diversity of subjects in this program, from theology to cultural studies and conflict resolution, has provided me with a unique skill set for helping me address a wide range of ministry challenges with confidence and insight." In September 2024, a new group of students was welcomed into the program. For those wanting to grow in their capacity to serve and lead, this is an outstanding opportunity.

    Pastoral Counseling; Prayer; Visitation; Benevolence Care; Funeral & Memorial Services; New Horizons Senior Fellowship; Support Care; Soul Care; Marriage Ministry; Prison Ministry

    Care Ministries exists to demonstrate the love of Jesus and offer help, hope and healing by meeting the spiritual, relational, emotional, and practical needs of our church family.

    Birthday calls
    Prayer card calls
    Pastoral Care engagements
    Prayer Center Engagements
    New ministry initiatives

    Care Ministry Highlights

    • New Horizon's Senior Fellowship
    • Marriage
    • Prison Ministry
    Read More

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Richard Young

    This past year was really about establishing shared rhythms as we do ministry as a unified team. Heading into my second year as Team Lead, there was much to build on from my transition from under Pastor Norm in 2023. We established renewed responsibilities across all areas of our ministry by setting up committees to handle the day-to-day running of several areas (New Horizons, Prayer Center, Freedom Session, etc.), with each Care Team member providing oversight. As a team, we were also able to establish several new ministry initiatives (Sanctuary Mental Health; Prison Ministry (parolee reintegration); Unraveled (Pure Desire) etc. There were also several HR-related moves within the team - Pastor Cynthia left (Dec 31st, 2024); Pastor Isaac joined (Sept 2024); and Pastoral Intern Elisangela will be joining full time (Jan 2025).

    Prayer Request

    For discernment and wisdom as Team Lead to more fully understand the needs of our Care Team (as one), each of our team members (individually), and our volunteers & congregation (corporately). As well as for sustained energy, health and motivation as we serve the body of Christ at Willingdon Church together in the year ahead, and that we would do it all to the glory of God!

    Austin Heights Church exists to know Jesus Christ personally and to carry on His ministry.

    Average Sunday attendance has grown by 145% over the last six months.
    God has added about 120 new people since our launch in October, three months ago.
    Because of this growth we are launching a second service on February 2, 2025.
    We have 125 different people serving in some way, shape, or form.

    Austin Heights Highlights

    • It has been remarkable to see new people engaging so quickly, looking to participate in the life of the church, and getting relationally connected.
    • The kids ministry has doubled over the last three months, and we praise God for the growth.
    • Our building and property have undergone beautiful, extensive renovations, making it more suitable for our growing ministry needs.

    Team Leader Moment

    Pastor Brett Landry

    Well, I am the campus pastor of Austin Heights Church and that was a surprise to me! Alison and I are thrilled to have the opportunity to serve at Austin Heights and it has been such a joy to make new friends and serve shoulder to shoulder alongside so many faithful people. It has also been a joy to do this as part of the broader Willingdon family.

    Prayer Request

    We need to hire someone to run our kids ministry. Please pray for the right person at the right time. Pray for us as we move to two Sunday services.