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2024 Annual Ministries Report
Willingdon Church
Care Highlights
New Horizon’s Senior Fellowship
Elder Wayne Wiebe filled the leadership vacancy left by Bob Davies’ passing at NHF.
Bob Davies’ passing put a huge hole in our NHF leadership, but God placed a desire to serve our New Horizon community on Elder Wayne Wiebe’s heart. Wayne is now carrying the torch passed on by Bob to minister to and lead people of New Horizon to fix their eyes on Jesus in this season of their lives.
It was exciting to have 100 couples invest in their marriage at our Together For Good Marriage Conference in May 2024.
100 couples attended our full day marriage conference on May 25, 2025, where we had Neil and Sharol Josephson from Family Life Canada as our guest speakers.
Prison Ministry (Parolee Reintegration)
We launched our Prison ministry initiative where we help male and female parolees reintegrate back into society by way of growing in the relationship with Christ at Willingdon Church.
The Care Team welcomed our first male and female, Christian, parolees to worship with us at Willingdon where they re-discovered their relationship with Christ and found authentic, grace-filled community. The Care Team and several Care volunteers dedicated countless hours discipling, chaperoning, eating and talking with, and even driving our parolees around town for appointments. Together, we were also able to help purchase drywalling supplies for our male to find and keep gainful employment so he can save up enough money to move back home with his wife and kids. trust me as a source of help with pastoral/biblical counseling and leading men through various Soul Care groups like Freedom Session, Sexual Integrity 101, Conquer Series, and Seven Pillars of Freedom (all of which took place in 2023).
Testimony Highlight
Raul Hernandez – Freedom Session:
Before Freedom Session (FS), I thought I had resolved many of the problems in my life. I believed I had just one left—my spiritual relationship with God. When I was attending Willingdon Church, I was introduced to the Freedom Session program, and I believed God placed it in front of me because He wanted me to take it. So, I did.
Freedom Session helped me dig deeper into myself to find the areas my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, wanted to heal—the areas I thought were too much for anyone else to see. But all those things and situations are nothing compared to our God.
Now, I am able to understand where my reactions come from and surrender them to my Lord, allowing me to live a more Christ-centered life. Our Lord doesn’t just cover us with His presence, He also wants to cleanse every single corner of our lives with His love, His grace, and His blood. He desires a closer relationship with you, and Freedom Session helped me achieve that.