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2024 Annual Ministries Report
Willingdon Church
Student Min Highlights
Junior High Student Leadership and Ministry (SLAM) team.
The SLAM team was tasked with creating any event they wanted for the youth group. Instead of choosing something wild and fun for themselves they decided to run a spaghetti dinner where they collect items for the food bank and talk about food insecurity. It was so encouraging to see their desire to help and serve others.
Student Ministry Worship
This year, our Student Ministry Worship Director (Nathaniel Wong) moved into a new position here at the church, leaving some big shoes to fill. Three Senior High students have stepped up and taken over the oversight of the teams and schedules in the interim. All the students are doing a wonderful job while we are waiting to see who God brings us to fill the role. Please pray that God would send us our new Student Ministry Worship Director soon.
Service and Ministry
It is very humbling to see how many students are serving in our church in so many areas. What an encouragement to see an aspect of their faith being put into practice! Students are using their time and gifts among the larger church, from teaching at Kids Ministry, engaging with Worship Arts Ministry by leading worship or acting in the Christmas presentation, to helping at the café or ushering.
Testimony Highlight
From Pastor Mark: We are thankful for the questions the students ask us as they diligently learn how to apply faith to their own lives. We are honoured as pastors and volunteers to be part of this ministry and watch the students grow in their wisdom and understanding of who God is and what it means for them.