Soul Care

Through various group and individual interactions, it is clear God cares for people’s souls at Willingdon as we are seeing many men and women cultivate healthy thoughts, emotions and relationships—finally able to truly live in the freedom won for them by Christ.

In the past year the Soul Care ministry of Willingdon Church has seen over 75 men and women receive the help, truth and confidence they need to finally be able to live in the freedom won for them by Christ 2,000 years ago. Freedom Session saw 25 men and 30 women sign up for the Fall intake. Betrayal and Beyond has 9 women meeting weekly and Pure Desire and Sexual Integrity 101 have seen 5 and 9 people respectively go through each course offering. This is just the beginning of a very exciting time for Soul Care as much more is planned for the Summer and Fall 2023.

Visitation: New Moms

The Parenting Ministry was born in partnership with the Pregnancy Crisis Center, in order to create a heartfelt ministry that could connect single moms, couples, and families facing unplanned pregnancy to the church community.

Most of the Crisis Pregnancy Center’s clients are non-believers with no family or friends to support them. So, this ministry’s heart statement is the desire to become family to the new parents and welcome them into the church community.

As our volunteers walk alongside the new moms, sharing their knowledge and experience, we trust God to grow a relationship that would ultimately express Jesus’s love and make these new families, despite their faith journey, part of the church community.

Care Aware

Care Aware was held on Sunday, November 13th. Our vision for this event was for people to be more informed about the different ministries under the Care Ministries. In addition, we wanted to explain further how we minister and help people in our community in various areas of need. It was also an excellent opportunity for us to address people’s questions.

The highlight of Care Aware is the overwhelming response of our community. We were encouraged to see hundreds of people participate in the event and demonstrate their eagerness to know more about the Care Ministries. In addition, many signed up to serve by volunteering in areas where they felt spiritually gifted.