
以基督为中心的社区是帮助我们作为基督的跟随者成熟的基础。生命小组 ,是你在小组环境中联系的一种方式,建立有意义的关系,并在一个支持性的环境中增长你的信仰。

Life Group?

我们认为生命小组 是威灵顿事工的核心。上帝不希望我们中的任何人踽踽独行--我们需要彼此。生活小组是您在亲密和支持的环境中建立有意义的关系、增长信仰的理想场所。它将帮助你参与和理解主日的信息,也是一个安全的地方,让你在属灵成熟的过程中提出问题。您还将有机会彼此服侍,在困难时期相互支持,并在本地和海外分享基督的爱。 


什么是生命小组 ?

一个生命小组 ,由6人或更多人组成,每周聚会,学习和应用圣经,祈祷,分享我们的生活,并服务他人,使我们有能力为耶稣基督的使命而生活。每个小组由一个受过训练的领袖领导,并希望有一个共同领袖。一个典型的会议持续一个半小时,无论是面对面的还是在线的。这是一个分享和共同生活的社区。



  • 与其他信徒聚集在一起,体验与耶稣和彼此的交通。
  • 成长,越来越多地亲身经历耶稣,学习如何开展祂的事工。
  • 完成耶稣使人作门徒的使命。


对加入一个团体感兴趣吗?每个城市都有生命小组 ,不同的人生阶段,不同的语言,为你联系到一个适合的小组。

Please fill out the Life Group Sign-up Form and we will contact you with different Life Group options that will suit you. If you aren't sure which group is right for you, our coordinator is happy to help you guide you to a group.

Life Group Member Commitment
for Christians

生命小组 中的每个人在信仰之旅中都处于不同的位置,但我们致力于实现相同的目标。


COMMIT to participate in Life Group gatherings (Hebrews 10:23-25).
Praise God that He gives us the opportunity to grow in community! We recognize the importance and privilege of building each other up so we do our best to do so.

COMMIT to growing to love God more (Matthew 22:36-40).
Praise God that He loves us so much that He sent His own Son to die on the cross to save us (Romans 5:6-8). He also wants us to love Him back. In our Life Groups, we grow in our love of God through sermon studies, group discussions, examples set by other members, and applying what we have learned.

COMMIT to growing to love others more (Matthew 22:36-40; John 13:34).
Praise God that His love moves us to love the people around us just as He loves us! Love can manifest in many different ways, such as praying for each other, making an effort to regularly show up, sharing encouragements, or dropping off a hot meal. We can put our love in practice in our Life Groups.

COMMIT to identifying, equipping, and using our gifts to serve others (1 Corinthians 12:1-31; 1 Peter 4:10).
Praise God that He gives every believer special gifts so they can serve the body! There are no useless Christians. Within Life Groups, we learn how God has uniquely equipped us and use our gifts to serve our groups, Willingdon Church, and beyond.

COMMIT to making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
Praise God that He authorizes and empowers us to help others know Him, too! Willingdon Church grows because faithful believers tell non-believers about Jesus and mature Christians train up younger Christians to follow Jesus. Life Group Members look forward to using what they have learned and experienced to go and make more disciples.


Life Group Member Commitment
for Non-Christians

COMMIT to participate in Life Group gatherings.
We want you to be an active participant in Life Groups. Show up, engage in discussions, build relationships, and be a part of the group.

COMMIT to learn about what Christians believe.
Ask questions and keep an open mind. Learn how Christians live out their faith. Ultimately, our hope is that you will know Jesus.

COMMIT to understand and respect healthy boundaries.
Although non-believers are invited to be a part of the life of Life Groups, there are some activities that are reserved for believers, such as leading worship in song, participating in the Lord’s Supper, or praying.




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