Escuela de la Biblia y del Ministerio

WSBM exists to equip God's people - head, heart, and hands - through the Word of God, helping them know Jesus Christ personally and carry on his ministry.

Courses at WSBM are biblical and practical, drawing us closer to God and leading us out to our communities in love. We strive to be people of ministry both inside and outside the church family.

The psalmist said, “The entrance of your words gives light” (Ps. 119:130). Come have your heart enlightened and discover how God has designed you to be light and hope in the world.

Cabecera del WSBM (Willingdon School of Bible & Ministry)

Spring 2025 Registration (4 Courses Now Open)

WSBM 130 Introduction to Biblical Studies

Tuesdays, April 22 - June 17 | 7-9pm

This core course introduces students to the historical, literary, theological and confessional importance of the Old and New Testaments. Basic principles and practices of exegesis and hermeneutics helpful for deeper Bible study and correct interpretation of Scriptures are explained and illustrated. Special attention is also given to the Bible’s origin, collection, and preservation.

Instructors: Dr. J. Bryan Born, Pastor Brody Loewen

Cost: $75
Format: Hybrid - In-Person/Online

Textbook: Longman III, Tremper. Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind. NavPress, 1997.

Students will need to purchase the textbook themselves before the class begins.

WSBM 130SP Introducción a los Estudios Bíblicos

Tuesdays, April 22 - June 17 | 7-9pm

A través de este curso, aprenderá sobre el milagro de la Biblia, incluido su origen, colección y preservación. También se le presentarán los principios y prácticas básicas de hermenéutica y exégesis útiles para un estudio bíblico más profundo y una interpretación correcta de las Escrituras.

Instructor: Pastor Ruben Heyn

Cost: $75
Format: Hybrid - In-Person/Online

Textbook: Interpretación Bíblica: Una introducción (Spanish Edition) Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks.

Students will need to purchase the textbook themselves before the class begins.

WSBM511 幻變的世代 - 不變的福音

日期/時間:4 月 22 日至 6 月 24 日(星期二) | 7-9pm

此課程⽬的是希望,透過對佈道 神學的認識,有「智」下帶出「勇」之武;透過對不同佈道法⾃認識與分析,有「謀」下不失 「𩆜」的主導。讓學員能在對福⾳全⾯認知、及對福⾳論述的了解下,能融𣾀貫通的傳揚福⾳。



教材:羅懿信,「磐⽯上的教會 - 40⽇祈禱⽇引」,溫哥華短宣中⼼, 2020


WSBM 531 Applying a Biblical Worldview in Our Cultural Moment

Fridays & Saturdays, April 25/26, May 9/10 | 7-9pm & 8:30am-1pm

Increase your confidence in discussing cultural issues, including the sanctity of life, gender ideology and postmodernism, and connect them to the grand biblical story of creation, fall, redemption and restoration.

Instructor: Dale Bracewell

Cost: $75
Format: In-Person

Textbook: Trueman, Carl R. Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution: Crossway, 2022.

Students will need to purchase the textbook themselves before the class begins.

Previous Courses

Our courses change each term - here's a sample of what we've offered. Contact us if you see something that interests you and want to know when it will be available again!
  • WSBM 120 NT Panorama

    This course is an overview of the New Testament. It covers the basic content and topics of each book. Learn how the books fit into the total history of the New Testament.

  • Acts documents the start and spread of the Church through preaching, healing, and mission. This study focuses on the theology and practical application of early Church life for believers living in the present day.

  • God cares us, and we are given the same mandate as His people. This course explores the Biblical foundations for caregiving, including a general understanding of care and how we are equipped with individual skills to meet the needs of those around us. We will also consider how to balance caregiving so that we are aware of both the benefits and the risks of caregiving.

  • See the overarching narrative of the Old Testament and discover God’s self-revelation and redemption plan through Israel’s history.

  • Discover your unique calling and how to live it out in every aspect of your life. Knowing your calling brings meaning and identity as you work, study, and live.

  • Experience rich theology and see the unity of the Old and New Testament through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ – and how His work leads us to lives of obedience and worship.

Información sobre el programa

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