School of the Bible and Ministry

WSBM provides classes to equip Willingdon Church – head, heart and hands – to become more biblically literate and to serve more effectively in church and related ministry.

New: Spring Update Video, click the Orange Button to Watch!

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What is Willingdon School of the Bible and Ministry?

Scripture is the primary way we can know God, and through it we learn what God cares about most in this world, and how we can best participate with Him, using our unique gifts for life and work in His Kingdom. This is why Scripture is the foundation of everything we do in WSBM.

You may have noticed that we added the word “Ministry” to the school’s title. Along with a continued focus on biblical studies, we also hope to equip the people of God for practical service in areas such as pastoral care and community outreach, for ministry both inside and outside the church family.

The psalmist said, “The entrance of your words gives light” (Ps. 119:130). We invite you into this learning community as we welcome together the light of God’s Word into our hearts.

Upcoming Events

Check out the course offerings below.

  • Prayer in Scripture and Church

    July 25-27, 2024

    Three Ways to Pray

    Learning About Prayer from Church History

    This course explores three traditions and practices of prayer from the history of the church...

Program Information

WSBM - Certificate Program

WSBM Certificate Program

Find out more about our certificate program which includes 12 college-level courses.

WSBM Policies

WSBM Policies

Find out more on admissions, Course Fees and Academic policies.

WSBM - MLA Style Guide

MLA Style Guide from CBC

WSBM courses use MLA citations for all papers. For more information, please view this style guide created by Columbia Bible College (CBC).

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