Tithing Options
Giving at Willingdon
Year End Giving 2024
We praise God for His provision and thank you for your faithful giving in 2024!
Official Receipt:
ONLY gifts received and/or postmarked on or before TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2024
will appear on your “Official receipt for income tax purposes for 2024”.
Please Note: Our office will be open to receive donations Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and the Resource Centre will be open before and during the Prayer Summit on New Year’s Eve on December 31st, 2024.
Donations to our General Fund may be made through Internet Banking, Debit Card, Cheque, Cash, Online, Tithely or Text2Give, for more information, please visit “ways to give” on our website at https://willingdon.org/give.
Donations to the Benevolent Fund and/or the Austin Heights Renovation Project may be made through Debit Card, Cheque, Cash, Online, Tithely or Text2Give. If you want to donate to these funds through Internet Banking, please contact giving [ @ ] willingdon.org or call the church office and ask for James Buss.
Changed address:
Please inform the church of your new address by updating your profile at below or visit the Resource Centre.
We praise God for His provision and thank you for your faithful giving in 2024!
God's provision and the faithful giving of our church family
We praise God for His provision and are grateful for your faithful giving. With your ongoing support we are able to continue our mission: “To know Jesus Christ personally and to carry on His ministry.” We give God the glory for the resources we receive to reach the lost, serve our community, and share the Gospel locally and globally.
Updating Your Information

Making sure your information is correct
To issue your donation receipt there are several key pieces of information the church needs1) your current mailing address2) Your full name including middle initial 3) your giving number (each time you give)To update your information
If you have changed addresses in the past year or need to update your legal name, please use the link below to fill out a "church profile update" form (link below) or visit us in person in the Resource Center on Sundays. Please make ensure your current address is updated (no later than January 24th), so we know where we can mail your donation receipt.Forgotten giving number
If you have forgotten your giving number, we are happy to help to find your number. Please email us or drop by the Resource Center during Services. By remembering these three things you help our finance team ensure the administration of your donation is done efficiently.

Your Giving At Work
Ways To Give
Giving Using Internet Banking
You may make donations to Willingdon Church’s General Fund through your financial institution’s website.
You can help us make your giving go further by using Internet banking through your financial bill payment features. We encourage you to use an Internet Banking option, as there are NO service fees to you and you can process one-time payments or set up an automatic regular giving option.
To make an internet banking donation, log into your financial institution’s “Bill Payment” section and search for “Willingdon Church.” Add it to your regular list of payees and use your envelope number as your account number (place “0”s in front of the number to fulfill the 5 digit requirement).
If you do not have an envelope number, please contact the church at 604-435-5544 or email our finance department to request a number.
The following financial institutions are set up to provide this service to Willingdon Church: BMO, Canadian Tire Bank, CIBC, President’s Choice, Canadian Western Bank, HSBC, Laurentian, Manulife Bank, National Bank, Tangerine, TD Canada Trust, Scotiabank, RBC, Vancity and all BC credit unions.
Giving by Interac Banking
Our Resource Center is open on the weekends and has a number of debit machine stations. Or visit us at our office which is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, to use our debit machines.
Please fill out a giving envelope with your first and last name, phone number, giving number, and the total amount of your donation.
How to Give
And you can drop off cash or cheques in the offering bag at the end of a service through the main exit doors or at our Resource Center. Or visit us at our office, which is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, to drop off cash, and cheques. We do not recommend mailing cash. You may mail a cheque to: 4812 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC, V5G 3H6.
Giving with Cash
To prepare your cash donation, fill out a giving envelope with your first and last name, phone number, giving number, and the total amount of your donation. OR, fill out a piece of paper with your first and last name, phone number, giving number, and total amount, and place it inside a regular mailing envelope.
Giving By Cheque
To prepare your cheque donation, write your giving number (if you have one currently assigned) on the memo line of your cheque. Fill out a giving envelope with your first and last name, phone number, giving number if applicable, and the total amount of your donation, OR, if you do not have an envelope, ensure that the above information appears somewhere on your cheque and place it inside a regular mailing envelope.
Giving Online
You may make donations to the church’s General Fund via Tithe.ly on the website.
Tithe.ly is an online giving platform that allows you to set up an account and securely enter your credit card information. You may make a single donation by credit card or set up ongoing gifts at regular intervals scheduled for your convenience. Please note donations through Tithe.ly incurs transaction fees of 5-6%. Please consider adding the transaction fees to your total contribution.
Please include your giving number under “Giving ID” for tax purposes, and include an accurate email so that we are able to contact you. If you don’t have a giving number or you have forgotten your current number, please contact the church at 604-435-5544 or email our finance department at finance @ willingdon.org
You can also designate an additional donation to the benevolent fund by selecting “Benevolent” in the dropdown menu. Please see our Benevolent section for more information about the Benevolent Fund and CRA guidelines.
Mobile Giving
You can make donations to the church’s General Fund on your mobile device via Tithely’s Text2Give service.
Please note donations through Text 2 Give incurs transaction fees of 5-6%. Please consider adding the transaction fees to your total contribution. Thank you for understanding Willingdon’s desire to steward resources well.
How to set up Text to give
- Text “Give” to (866) 870-5270
- Text2Give will send you a text with a link to help you sign up for the service.
- Fill out the information with your first donation.
- Bonus: check-off “covers fees” to add the transaction fees to your total contribution.
- Submit your first donation.
All future donations after set-up
- Text the amount you wish to give to (866) 870-5270. Example 50
Your Done!
Special Projects and Benevolent Fund Giving
By default, if you text in a number like “50,” the donation amount will go toward the General Fund. However, you can also designate your giving to our Benevolent fund and other special projects by texting the amount and the fund name (example: “50 benevolent”) or text “list funds” to see a list of the funds you can donate towards.
Willingdon Church honours donor intent wherever possible. If a Designated Giving project is fully funded or discontinued, donations will be deployed towards other projects that help people know Jesus.

Give to the Benevolent Fund
The Benevolent Fund helps us to show God’s love to our church community and the greater Burnaby area through practical care. To find out more about how to give, please visit the page below.
Willingdon Church honours donor intent wherever possible. If a Designated Giving project is fully funded or discontinued, donations will be deployed towards other projects that help people know Jesus.
We will issue you a number. This will help us identify you as a giver whenever you use any of our giving options. You may contact the church at 604-435-5544 or email our finance department to request a number.
The deadline is the last day of the year. All donations must be received or postmarked on or before December 31.
You will usually receive your tax receipt in February. If you do not receive one, please email our finance department or call the church office at 604-435-5544. To ensure you receive your tax receipt in a timely manner, please update your church profile on Church Center or call the church office if you have moved.
Any amount you give is greatly appreciated. However, only donations received with $10 or more will be receipted at the end of the year for income tax purposes.
Please contact our finance department if you have lost your tax receipt.
The Benevolent Fund page has more information about how to give and what your donation will support.
We encourage you to give directly to the missionary’s agency. You can find more information on the Global Ministries page.
We encourage team fundraising. Therefore, you may donate to the trip by filling out a giving envelope with the trip name in the designated giving line (we ask that you do not indicate the name of an individual).