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라이프 그룹 리더가 다른 사람들을 신앙으로 인도할 수 있는 능력이 성장할 수 있도록 돕는 자료.

Habits of Grace

Knowing and believing the Gospel is not the destination. Instead, it allows us to begin a relationship with God.

We must ensure our groups know the basics, including how to build their relationship with God. Only by growing in our relationship with Him can we experience His love and be empowered to serve Him (John 15:1-5). That’s why we are introducing the book “Habits of Grace” by David Mathis. This book will cover three basic practices:

  • Listening to God through His Word
  • Talking to God through prayer
  • Spending time with God’s people.


What is the Gospel?

Life Groups are part of Willingdon Church and exist “To know Jesus Christ personally and to carry on His ministry.” So, we want Life Groups to “to increasingly experience Jesus personally and learn how to carry on His mission.”

We must ensure our groups know the basics, especially the Gospel. If we aren’t building on the Gospel, we are building on a false gospel. The apostle Paul has strong words for that (Galatians 1:8-9). That’s why we introduced the book “What is the Gospel?” by Greg Gilbert.

Why the Gospel?

  • Baseline. To ensure everyone in Life Groups shares the same understanding of the Gospel.
  • Evangelism. You can’t share what you don’t know.
  • Correction. Identify and address foundational misconceptions. While learning together, people can ask questions to gain clarity.
  • Protection. Identify red flags in most false teaching that’s floating around.
  • Foundation. Many Christians listen to sermons but never grow because they’re randomly putting bricks on loose sand. With a foundation, they have something to build on.
  • Reminder. As groups multiply, people who have been through the material will be reminded of the Gospel. We must be reminded because we all have ways we drift.

Why was this book picked?

  • Covers the basics. All the fundamental concepts are presented in the book.
  • Short and easy. The pages are small, each chapter is only a few pages, and there are only eight chapters. This is manageable for most people.
  • Many translations. Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and more. Some translations have a PDF: Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian.
  • Study guide. Readers can discuss and remember the material better through interaction and review.

What happens when we get the Gospel wrong?

  • … put your faith in the wrong thing (John 5:39).
    Pharisees thought the law could save. Many think by merely studying the Bible, they’re good. They don’t know the Gospel is about a person.
  • … think you’re serving Jesus, but He doesn’t know you (Matthew 7:21-23).
    People did amazing works in Jesus’ name but didn’t have a relationship with Him. Many people will see their work and assume they’re in a good place, but Jesus doesn’t care. He wants a relationship.
  • … try to earn God’s grace (Acts 8:18-24).
    Simon the sorcerer thought he could buy the Holy Spirit. Many believe attendance or serving earns God’s love, but it’s all grace.
  • … focus on external measures of salvation (Galatians 5:1-12).
    Jewish Christians required circumcision. Many believe being good, not swearing or sleeping around, and dressing nicely are proof of their salvation. God wants the heart.
  • … compromise your witness out of fear (Galatians 2:11-14).
    Peter and Barnabas separated themselves from Gentiles. Many frown at the evil, wicked people entering our church, but they don’t know that none of us deserve God’s love because we’re all naturally evil and wicked.
  •  … forget Jesus’ love (Revelation 2:1-7).
    The Ephesians worked hard but forgot Jesus’ love. Many hard-working volunteers and leaders serve as a duty or righteous burden. They forgot it’s about love.
  • … cause controversies and disputes (1 Timothy 6:3-5).
    People argued nonsense because their faith wasn’t built on Jesus’ teaching. Someone recently chastised Pastor Vinh for keeping his hands in his pockets while praying during the service! Somehow pocket hand prayer is wrong, but judgingly creeping during prayer is OK? God has way higher priorities.
  • … misuse the Gospel for personal gain (1 Timothy 6:3-5).
    False teachers use godliness to get rich. I guarantee many at Willingdon listen to heretical, false teachers like Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, and more. To them, the Gospel is about getting what you want. Try naming one person in the Bible who got wealthy after following Jesus! Jesus’ followers sacrificed wealth and even their lives for something greater. When prosperity lies fail people, they leave Christianity to find another way for health, wealth, and happiness. They don’t know Jesus’ real blessings.

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