Short-Term Missions

Willingdon Church Short-Term Missions (STM) teams exist to provide assistance to missionaries and ministries in different parts of the world. STM is an opportunity to serve, to enhance and accelerate the ministry of our missionaries where they are serving locally or overseas.

Global Ministries - Short Term Missions

Why Short Term Missions (STM)?

To see God’s Kingdom advanced.

We desire to invest the skills, spiritual gifts and resources of our church family into giving assistance to missionaries and ministries that are expanding God’s Kingdom in different parts of the world. Our desire is to see people decide to make Jesus Lord of their life, and to see churches established that are led by godly, growing leaders.

It’s a discipleship opportunity.

As you get a glimpse of missions, missionary life, and God’s love for all nations, and as you rub shoulders with other believers on your team, the Lord will shape you. As you step out in faith and obedience, the Lord will guide and direct you, sometimes into new realms of life and ministry, and sometimes into a deeper walk of faith right where you are.​

STM Strategy

How do we decide what short-term mission teams to send? Here are a few questions we always ask:

  • Have we been invited by people in the host country?
  • Does this assignment work directly with one of Willingdon’s missionaries or with one of the mission agencies we partner with?
  • Will our presence have some sort of strategic impact for the advancement of the Gospel in that community?
  • Is there a long-term Christian presence that will follow up with the people we make connections with?
  • Do we have people with the skills necessary for this ministry?

If the answer is yes to all of these questions, we will send a team. If the answer to any of these questions is no, then we won’t.


We are sending out more Short Term Mission teams in 2025! Explore the different teams and the goals for each trip.

Discovering Mission

This study will help you to understand what is the definition of mission and the relation with the vision statement of Willingdon Church “A Family on Mission with Jesus: Everyone, Everyday, Everywhere. In addition, it will help you to partnership with God’s Mission.

Global Ministries - STM Bursary Program

STM Bursary Program

The STM Bursary Program is specifically for people who are participating in short-term mission assignments with Christian mission agencies. Our desire is to encourage you on your discipleship and ministry journey by standing with you with prayer and finances.

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