Mom's Connect

A place for women from all walks of life to gather together to worship, pray, and study His Word. Whether your kids are grown or still infants, we’d love to welcome you as we fix our eyes on Jesus. We run Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 11:15 am

Mom's Connect is on break March 19th, we will see you on March 26th

Mom's Connect Logo

What is Mom's Connect?

What is Mom's Connect?

We are a group of moms who meet each week to pray, study the Bible, and make meaningful connections as we navigate the joys and struggles of motherhood. Whether you’re bringing your little ones, or your children are grown, we believe being prayerfully rooted in God’s Word is vital in every stage of life.

We meet in the comfort and convenience of the Nursery, so if you happen to bring your infant or toddler, we have everything you need to care for your child while we meet together.

No matter how old your kids are, if you're a mom and you're looking for community, we'd love to welcome you!

What to Expect

Mom’s Connect runs a bi-weekly schedule, alternating between Bible Study and “Pray and Play” hangouts in the Nursery

At Pray and Play you can expect:

  • Meeting in the Nursery from 9:30 am – 11:00 am
  • Coffee Time
  • Scripture Reading and a Devotional
  • Time of Prayer
  • All while your children play in the Nursery!

At Bible Study you can expect:

  • Meeting in the Nursery from 9:30 am – 11:15 am
  • Coffee Time
  • Video Lesson (beginning at 10:00 am)
  • Discussion
  • Prayer

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