Matthew and Esther

Join us in praying for Willingdon long-term missionaries Matthew and Esther serving in U.K. Throughout the month of May, Pastor John's interviews with them will be released weekly. Click the links below to learn more about their mission and find ways to support. Your involvement makes a difference!

Interview with Matthew & Esther

Episode 1 (external link)

Episode 2 (external link)

Episode 3 (external link)

Episode 4 (external link)

Matthew and Esther’s Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a breakthrough in the lives of those who we have been working with and already shared the gospel with over many years.
  • Please pray for those who recently got baptised and other new believers at our church. Pray that God will strengthen their faith and allow them to be good witnesses in their families and community.
  • Please pray for two Muslims who have been regularly attending our church and absorbing the teaching and being part of our community. Please pray that they will take the step of following Jesus.
  • Please pray for the Muslim food pantry volunteers who have been working together with members of our church in serving the poor in our city.
  • Please pray for our time visiting friends and family in Canada.