A Willingdon oferece um lugar para as mulheres crescerem com mulheres que pensam da mesma forma e que estão caminhando juntas para entender melhor o que significa seguir Jesus, ser transformadas por Jesus e levar outras pessoas a Jesus. O Ministério da Mulher está aqui para conectar as mulheres a Deus e umas às outras.
Welcome to Willingdon Women’s!
The Latin phrase coram Deo means “living before the face of God” – in other words, to “live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God” (R.C. Sproul). Our hope is that as Willingdon Women, we can learn how to live coram Deo by studying God’s word, learning to hear and obey the Holy Spirit, connecting and praying with each other, and serving our community.
This spring, there will be opportunities for us to grow coram Deo through biweekly Bible studies (offered Tuesday nights and Wednesday mornings), quarterly Saturday morning gatherings, prayer meetings, and a mentorship program. We hope that you will join us!
Tuesday evenings, starting Feb 11 – May 6 (biweekly), 7pm–8:30pm
Attendees are responsible for purchasing their own Bible study book via Amazon or Lifeway.
We will be going through Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study, Discerning the Voice of God. Through 7 sessions, explore how humble obedience is the foundation for experiencing clear and daily communication with God. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.
Wednesday mornings, starting Feb 12 (biweekly), 9:30am–11am
If Tuesday evenings don’t work for you then give Wednesday mornings a try!
We will be following the same curriculum timeline so you won’t miss a beat! This setting welcomes babies, toddlers, preschoolers and even your homeschooler! Everyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
We will gather on Saturday mornings (once a quarter) to enjoy each other’s company, spend time in the Word, and participate in activities and/or service projects for those in need. These gatherings will be open to women of all ages from every nation. We encourage you to invite others, including friends, colleagues, family, and those who do not know Jesus and/or desire to connect with other women as part of a community who desires “to know Jesus Christ personally and carry on His Ministry”!
SAVE THE DATE for our first gathering on March 15th from 9am–12pm!
Prayer is an important aspect of all that we do at Willingdon! It reminds us we don’t do life on our own. We need God’s help in all aspects of life. For this reason, after each session, we have set aside a physical space for you to process what you are learning, journal your thoughts, and have someone pray for you if needed. In addition to these prayer sessions, we will be organizing Prayer events throughout the year, which will include interactive prayer activities, creative prayer walks, and journaling. If prayer is not easy for you, come grow with us and discover the beauty of communicating with Father who longs to hear from you!
Our intention is to provide Biblical Generational Mentoring following the example set out in Titus 2:1-5. The aim of Biblical Generational Mentoring is for an older Christian woman to invest in the life of a younger sister-in-Christ, encouraging them to walk and grow in obedience as a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is a confidential relationship between two believers who prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and use the Bible as their foundational textbook. Mentoring is intentional time spent together dealing with important, personal topics as the mentee seeks support from the mentor to better understand Scripture and practically apply it in their own life of discipleship.
As Proverbs 27:17 says, “iron sharpens iron.” We hold the Word of God as our plumbline, checking our heart attitudes and actions against it (Heb. 4:12) as we are trained in righteousness and equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). More information coming this Spring!
On behalf of the Willingdon Women’s Ministry Committee, we are excited you will be joining us and look forward to opportunities for us to live coram Deo!
Emmy Caramay – Chair
Michelle Holland – Curriculum
Judi Harms-Wiebe – Prayer
Elly Loewen – Mentorship
Izzy Alvarez – Support
Christine Reimer – Advisor
Penny Fuchihara – Advisor
O Mom's Connect é um encontro semanal de mães com seus filhos pequenos que estão em busca de uma conexão significativa enquanto navegam pelas alegrias e dificuldades da maternidade.
Apoiamos os missionários de nossa igreja e outras agências missionárias em todo o mundo. Fazemos vários itens (kits escolares, cobertores, kits de higiene, etc.) e os distribuímos onde são necessários. Junte-se a nós em um momento de Encontro e trabalho. Não é necessário saber costurar, pois sempre há outras coisas para fazer.
Esse grupo de apoio semanal ajuda mulheres que sofreram traição sexual e quebra de confiança em seu relacionamento ou casamento a encontrar cura por meio de Cristo e descobrir que não estão sozinhas.
A Freedom Session é uma jornada intensiva de 28 semanas de cura e discipulado que o levará a encarar a verdade sobre si mesmo, sua vida e os padrões relacionais destrutivos que você usa para proteger seu coração, mas que, em última análise, o prendem. Por meio dessa jornada, o Espírito Santo descobrirá as raízes da dor em sua vida e convidará Jesus Cristo a curar essas áreas de seu coração.
Unraveled offers weekly group support for women on their recovery journey, helping you understand your story, address unwanted behaviors, and discover your identity in God with practical tools and a safe community
Form a biblical perspective on sex so that you may grow in your walk with the Lord in this area and help others do the same.
Descubra como você pode se envolver servindo com nossos parceiros comunitários.
Procurando um lugar para crescer e estudar a palavra de Deus, juntar-se a uma comunidade de amigos com os quais possa caminhar pela vida e fazer perguntas profundas sobre a fé? Participe de um grupo de vida!
Mantenha-se atualizado sobre os próximos cursos, eventos, conferências e outros destaques do Ministério da Mulher.