December 29, 2024
One question many are asking is, what will happen in 2025? Many observe global events, especially what is happening in Israel and the Middle East, and they ask the question, will Christ return in 2025?
May I suggest that Jesus will neither ask you to predict what is going to happen in 2025, nor will he ask you to predict the date of his return. Jesus will ask each one of us another question. What is it?
Jesus invests much:
Reflection Questions:
“Life is fragile and fleeting. We do not know when the end will come. Whether it is at the end of history as we know it with the return of Jesus or at the end of our life as we know it with our own death, we must be prepared…. Our privilege and charge are to maximize the precious moments of life with which we have been gifted to make a difference for the sake of the kingdom” (Michael J. Wilkins, Matthew).
In 2025, how will you invest what God has entrusted to you?