
March 9, 2025

Hope for Hypocrites


“Practice what you preach.” It’s frustrating when we encounter someone who doesn’t keep their word. Hypocrisy breeds distrust and breaks down relationships. But what happens when we’re the one caught in hypocrisy? And what do we do when we sense that we’re falling short in our relationship with God? Jesus has a hard word for hypocrites – and extends his healing hand to the hurting.

  1. Hypocrisy Unmasked
  2. Judgement Undiluted
  3. Compassion Unveiled 

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what was are you prioritizing outward appearances over genuine obedience to Christ?
  2. Where do you need to go deeper with God this week, and not just spiritually “go through the motions”?
  3. How does Jesus’ compassion for Jerusalem reflect his heart for you? How can you respond today?