Gospel of John

WSBM 224

This course explores the life, mission and message of Jesus within the world of first-century Judaism. Through a close and careful reading of the Gospel of John, we will examine the teachings and signs of Jesus, the impact he made on those who give allegiance to him and what this means for followers of Jesus today. April 25 - 27

WSBM 224 Gospel of John

Course Description: This course explores the life, mission and message of Jesus within the world of first-century Judaism.  Through a close and careful reading of the Gospel of John, we will examine the teachings and signs of Jesus, the impact he made on those who give allegiance to him and what this means for followers of Jesus today.

Course Textbook: Gary M. Burge. The NIV Application Commentary: John. Zondervan, 2000.


Course Meeting Times: April 25-27 (Condensed) – Thursday 7 – 9 PM |  Friday 7 – 9 PM  |

Saturday 9 AM – 2 PM