WSBM 225 (Cantonese) – “Lord, Teach us to Pray” - a spiritual, ecclesiological, missiological study of the “The Lord’s Prayer” (Pastor Antony Law)
Dates: Tuesday evenings, April 16-June 4 (7-9 pm)
Cost: $75 (not including textbooks)
Course Format: In-Person
「主禱文」(The Lord’s Prayer) 乃普世教會歷世歷代所傳頌、家家相教代代相傳的經文。主禱文希臘原文57字,然而這短短的57字文,從主耶穌口中親自傳授,卻絕非止於被看為一項經課、一份安慰、或一種力量。主所教導的這段禱文,深深地表達出祂對門徒及教會的「所是」 (Being), 以致帶出祂認為門徒與教會應有的「所作」(Doing)。但若主的身體及祂的跟隨者祈此禱卻失其實,帶來的便會在個人屬靈生命 -「靈程學」(Spirituality)、教會存在的意義和目的 -「教會論」(Ecclesiology)、及信徒及教會在地的召命及使命 -「差傳學」(Missiology) 出現反差。誠如講道學家及知名牧者、維真神學院前教授 Rev. Darrell Johnson 論及主禱文而言道 - “It is dangerous to pray the Lord’s Prayer” 祈主禱文是危險之擧。他所言帶出主耶穌教導此禱文的初衷,是叫禱告的人被改變、教會被改變、以致世界被改變。此課程的目的不單是知性的提高、靈性的振奮,而是在認知後膽敢以此禱文為軸,叫生命及教會的巨輪動起來,產生由內而外的改變。
Course Information
WSBM 225 (Cantonese) – “Lord, Teach us to Pray” – a spiritual, ecclesiological, missiological study of the “The Lord’s Prayer” (Pastor Antony Law)
Dates: Tuesday evenings, April 16-June 4 (7-9 pm)
Cost: $75 (not including textbooks)
Last Day to Register: Mon Oct 2nd, 2023
Course Format: In-Person