Willingdon Playspace is an early learning drop-in program for babies, toddlers, and preschool aged children. There are 2 programs at 10-11:30AM:
Baby Playspace (ages 0-3):
Baby Playspace is on Christmas break and will be back on January 14th!
Preschool Playspace (ages 2-5):
Preschool Playspace is currently on break and will be back on January 21st
We offer an engaging program of activities, crafts, games, snacks, and a Bible-based approach to early childhood learning. PlaySpace is a community-outreach program, so whether you regularly come to church or not, you are welcome to join us!
If you are new to Playspace, please contact Tomoko: gro.nodgnilliw@amihsakt
We look forward to seeing you there!
作為 威靈頓教會,PlaySpace提供了一個引人入勝的活動,手工藝品,遊戲,小吃和基於聖經的幼兒學習方法。