Sermon Series - Romans - Does All Mean All - Spring 2021



June 20, 2021

Footsteps To Follow

Does All Mean All - Romans


Normally, we fathers have an intimate connection with our children. If someone threatens or harms our children, we have an instinctive, visceral reaction. In a similar manner, we children usually have an intimate connection with our fathers. We draw our sense of identity and esteem from our fathers. If we see our father being threatened or dishonored, we have an instinctive, visceral reaction.

Today’s text has that intimate family connection feel. It’s about a father and his children. It’s about who is included in the family and why. Paul talks about Abraham, the great forefather of the Jews. His legacy is actually very important for all of us who follow Jesus. How so? And, what does it mean to follow in Abraham’s footsteps?

Questions for Reflection:

  • If God asked you why you should be permitted to enter heaven, what would you say?
  • What are the signs that you are trying to earn acceptance before God?
  • In what area of your life do you need to exercise complete trust in God today?
  • In whose footsteps do you follow? Why?