Short-Term Mission Team, comprised of five ladies from the Mission Circle group, will be heading to Thailand at the end of January 2024. During their stay, they will closely collaborate with Ricky and Karen, teaching sewing skills to kids and house parents, working on various projects around the facility, and serving as loving grandparents for the children living in the orphanage.
Prayer Points:
- Pray for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as the Team prepares to minister.
- Pray that the children of the home would come to a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Ricky and Karen Sanchez as they provide leadership development, worker recruitment and leadership to church planting initiatives.
In addition to the prayer points above, please consider supporting the team financially. To provide financial support for the team, you can pick up a specifically designated giving envelope from the Resource Center during Sunday services or use the online giving link, directing your contribution to “Thailand Mission Team Jan 2024”.
In the event that excess funds are raised, the donations will be transferred to another Willingdon Approved Mission Project.