Life Groups

A Christ-centred community is foundational to helping us mature as followers of Christ. Life Groups are a way for you to connect in a small group setting, build meaningful relationships, and grow your faith in a supportive environment.

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Life Group?

We consider Life Groups the heart of Willingdon’s ministry. God doesn’t want any of us to walk alone – we need each other. A life group is the perfect place for you to build meaningful relationships and grow your faith in an intimate and supportive environment. It will help you engage and unpack the message from Sunday, and is a safe place to ask questions as you grow in spiritual maturity. You’ll also have the opportunity to serve alongside each other, support one another in difficult times, and share the love of Christ both locally and abroad. 


What Is A Life Group?

A Life Group is made up of 6 or more people who meet weekly to study and apply the Bible, pray, share our lives, and serve others so that we are equipped to live on mission for Jesus Christ. Each group is led by a trained leader and hopefully a co-leader. A typical meeting lasts for an hour and a half, whether in-person or online. It’s a community to share and do life together.


Why join a life group?

  • GATHER with other believers to experience communion with Jesus and one another.
  • GROW to increasingly experience Jesus personally and learn how to carry on His ministry.
  • GO to carry on Jesus’ ministry of making disciples that make disciples.

Life Group Member Commitment
for Christians

Everyone in Life Groups is in a different place on their faith journey, but we commit to work towards the same goals.


COMMIT to participate in Life Group gatherings (Hebrews 10:23-25).
Praise God that He gives us the opportunity to grow in community! We recognize the importance and privilege of building each other up so we do our best to do so.

COMMIT to growing to love God more (Matthew 22:36-40).
Praise God that He loves us so much that He sent His own Son to die on the cross to save us (Romans 5:6-8). He also wants us to love Him back. In our Life Groups, we grow in our love of God through sermon studies, group discussions, examples set by other members, and applying what we have learned.

COMMIT to growing to love others more (Matthew 22:36-40; John 13:34).
Praise God that His love moves us to love the people around us just as He loves us! Love can manifest in many different ways, such as praying for each other, making an effort to regularly show up, sharing encouragements, or dropping off a hot meal. We can put our love in practice in our Life Groups.

Commit to identifying, equipping, and using our gifts to serve others (1 Corinthians 12:1-31; 1 Peter 4:10).
Praise God that He gives every believer special gifts so they can serve the body! There are no useless Christians. Within Life Groups, we learn how God has uniquely equipped us and use our gifts to serve our groups, Willingdon Church, and beyond.

COMMIT to making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
Praise God that He authorizes and empowers us to help others know Him, too! Willingdon Church grows because faithful believers tell non-believers about Jesus and mature Christians train up younger Christians to follow Jesus. Life Group Members look forward to using what they have learned and experienced to go and make more disciples.


Life Group Member Commitment
for Non-Christians

COMMIT to participate in Life Group gatherings.
We want you to be an active participant in Life Groups. Show up, engage in discussions, build relationships, and be a part of the group.

COMMIT to learn about what Christians believe.
Ask questions and keep an open mind. Learn how Christians live out their faith. Ultimately, our hope is that you will know Jesus.

COMMIT to understand and respect healthy boundaries.
Although non-believers are invited to be a part of the life of Life Groups, there are some activities that are reserved for believers, such as leading worship in song, participating in the Lord’s Supper, or praying.

Life Group FAQ

We have collected some of the most frequently asked questions about Life Groups here. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
  • We have many groups to choose from. Some are based on “seasons in life,” while others are “mixed adult groups” and have people in all stages of life. You are welcome to sign up for a group that best suits you.

    Once you are in a group, it takes time to develop relationships in a group and that can rarely be done in just 2-3 weeks, so we encourage you to commit to attending that group for the whole season to see how it fits for you.

  • Joining a Life Group requires a 9-10 week commitment to attend the weekly meetings. Allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts, and other special events… but not much else! We have found that the commitment to attending regularly is key to building and maintaining strong relationships and healthy groups.

  • Most Life Groups meet year-round with the leader deciding when to take breaks. Man groups end their studies at the end of Spring season, taking a break or shifting to social gatherings over the summer. Other groups continue their studies.

    At the end of each year or season, you have the choice of staying in the same group or trying a new group. Please let your leader know if you are leaving the group.

  • With the online option, it’s easier than ever to join a Life Group. If in-person groups are happening, we encourage parents to consider arranging for childcare at home. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose group meets on a different evening or time.

  • Most Life Groups follow the sermon series using the Life Groups sermon series study questions. If you imagine the weekend sermon as a lecture on Christian living, then the group meeting is like a lab where you get to discuss how the sermon works out in your real life. There are also some groups that are doing Bible studies or topical studies of their choice.

  • Life Groups meet on various days and nights of the week in homes throughout Burnaby and Greater Vancouver.

  • Signup is available throughout the year for groups that still have spaces while in session. Please check our Life Group Directory and fill in our Life Group Sign-up form.

Life Groups - Looking for a Group

Look for a Group

Interested in joining a group? There are Life Groups in each city, different stage of life, and languages to connect you to a group that fits.

Please fill out the Life Group Sign-up Form and we will contact you with different Life Group options that will suit you. If you aren't sure which group is right for you, our coordinator is happy to help you guide you to a group.

Life Group Start a Group

Start a Group

Do you feel called to start a group? Apply now to become a leader.

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Leaders’ Corner

Already leading a Life Group? Check out our resources and sign up for leader updates.

Subscribe to Discipleship Leadership Newsletter

Our Discipleship Newsletter is geared to help people to follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and guide others to Jesus. Leaders will find the newsletter filled with events and resources to help guide their group.