WSBM exists to equip God's people - head, heart, and hands - through the Word of God, helping them know Jesus Christ personally and carry on His ministry.
God is a speaking God.
Through God’s revealed Word, the Bible, we learn who God is, what God cares about, and how we were made to live. Through the written Word we meet the living Word, Jesus Christ. Knowing His Word allows us to know Him.
At the same time, the Holy Spirit equips us to participate with God through the gifts and abilities He has given, for the sake of His Kingdom and the furthering of the Gospel in our world.
Courses at WSBM are both Biblical and practical, designed to draw us closer to God and to lead us out into our communities with love. Courses range from historical overviews and book studies to pastoral care and community outreach. We strive to be people of ministry both inside and outside the church family.
The psalmist said, “The entrance of your words gives light” (Ps. 119:130). Come have your heart enlightened and discover how God has designed you to be light and hope in the world.
We currently do not have any active registrations. Our spring semester registration will be opening soon - stay tuned here and sign up for the Willingdon Church newsletter to make sure you don't miss out!
This course is an overview of the New Testament. It covers the basic content and topics of each book. Learn how the books fit into the total history of the New Testament.
Acts documents the start and spread of the Church through preaching, healing, and mission. This study focuses on the theology and practical application of early Church life for believers living in the present day.
God cares us, and we are given the same mandate as His people. This course explores the Biblical foundations for caregiving, including a general understanding of care and how we are equipped with individual skills to meet the needs of those around us. We will also consider how to balance caregiving so that we are aware of both the benefits and the risks of caregiving.
See the overarching narrative of the Old Testament and discover God’s self-revelation and redemption plan through Israel’s history.
Discover your unique calling and how to live it out in every aspect of your life. Knowing your calling brings meaning and identity as you work, study, and live.
Experience rich theology and see the unity of the Old and New Testament through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ – and how His work leads us to lives of obedience and worship.
Stay up to date on all of our courses, conferences, and other Willingdon School of the Bible highlights.