
May 7, 2022

To Whom Are You Married?


To whom are you married?  Perhaps you are legally married and your answer is, “Well, that’s obvious. I’m married to my spouse, but I’m still discovering who I’m married to!”  Maybe you are single and you say, “It’s obvious. I’m not married to anyone.” Our text says being unmarried is not an option. So, again, to whom are you married? This is a really important question, because your marriage determines your identity and life orientation.

We’re married to the people or things we love most. Whatever we most value and cherish in our hearts invariably controls and guides us. So, another way to ask the question today is this: whom or what do we love the most? It may be a person (a significant other, a spouse, or a friend).  It may be a thing (a religion, a career, status, or wealth). To whom or to what is your heart most bound?

Questions for Reflection:

  • To whom or to what are you married? Who or what is your first love?
  • If your answer to the first question is someone or something other than Jesus, what needs to change?
  • What does it look like for you to live by the new way of the Spirit, with a new foundation, new motivation, and new power?