Standalone Sermon Series


September 8, 2024

Let’s Run!


The main exhortation of Hebrews 12:1-2 is “let’s run.” How should we run the race of life?

One group of runners that really inspired me this summer was Canada’s 4 X 100 relay team. In Paris, they were definitely not favoured to win. Individually, the four men on our relay team had not placed well in their individual events. Andre Degrasse, the runner of the final leg, appeared to be dealing with a nagging, hamstring injury.  

On race day, our team was out in lane 9, not the ideal lane to run in, because you can’t see the competition behind you. They were definitely the underdogs. No one expected Aaron Brown, Jerome Blake, Brendon Rodney, and Andre De Grasse to win.  

The Canadian team was not the fastest team, but they kept training, practiced the baton passes, and kept believing. And, on race day, they were the best team. Their baton passes were almost flawless. Together, they ran the best time.  

We may not be the best church in Metro Vancouver, with the most gifted people in the world, but if we run together as team, God can accomplish great things through us. What do you need to do so that you can run well this next season?