
April 14, 2024

Think Differently About Yourself


Are you the main character in your story? Does every sphere of your life (e.g., career, education, hobbies, entertainment, finances, family, friends, religion, etc.) exist to make you a better you? Does the church exist to make you a better you? Is God only present in your life to make you the best possible YOU? 

Today’s passage challenges us to think differently about ourselves and the body of Christ. As Pr. Vinh said last weekend, chapters 12-16 of Romans take us from the theological foundation laid in Romans 1-11 to the daily practice of our faith. The bottom line is this: if we embrace the gospel of Jesus, it will change our lives.

Think about yourself …

  1. As conforming to the image of Jesus.
  2. As intimately connected to the body of Jesus.
  3. As capacitated by God’s grace to serve.


Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you think more about the well-being and mission of the church family than you think about yourself?
  2. How has God gifted you? How are you employing those gifts in the body of Christ and the world around you?
  3. Is God asking you to serve at Blue Mountain? Come to the information meeting on April 28th at 2 pm to find out more.