October 9, 2021
Kingdom Power - Matthew
Today’s story is about a paralyzed man and Jesus. Some of us are physically paralyzed and cry out for God’s healing hand. Most of us walked into our TV room to watch the online service (or into the worship service), but we are still paralyzed. How so?
Some of us are spiritually paralyzed. We no longer believe that God is active in our world. God feels so distant. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling. We feel God is paralyzed. Our pleas are like that of the psalmist, “Why are you sleeping, O Lord?”
Some of us are mentally paralyzed. Anxious, worrisome thoughts fill our minds: climate change, the fourth wave of COVID-19, financial strain, and so on. We feel helpless. We struggle to pull our thoughts together. Like the psalmist we cry, “Why is my soul in such turmoil”?
Some of us are emotionally paralyzed. Our relationships are strained. Forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing seem so far from us. The relational pressure has left us languishing. Why should we continue to love those who reject us? We cry, “How long, O God”?
What would Jesus say to us who suffer from paralysis in so many ways?
Questions for Reflection: